Jovi Harrison

A lifelong writer, Jo has written numerous company profiles for businesses in the real estate, food&beverage, ISPs, and hospitality industry. Best known for his fast delivery time and quality results. He believes that quality will speak for itself, and that quality speaks volumes.

EUDL - European Union Digital Library

Thousands of EUDL articles are free to download thanks to the support from EAI, Europe's largest not-for-profit research community dedicated to employing the latest developments in information technology to build a greener, healthier and smarter world. EAI membership is free! Consider donating to help EAI's vision grow by engaging world's brightest minds to build a better future regardless of their age, economic status or country of origin. Learn more at or donate by clicking the acco

Eye on Asia: Pandemic proves Indonesia primed to embrace digital payments.

With the emergence of digital payment methods being adopted rather quickly around the world, it’s quickly gaining a certain amount of preference over cash payments, which is especially apparent in the middle of the COVID 19 pandemic that doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon, digital might just seem like the way to go. In light of the events following Indonesia’s social-distancing protocol, non-essential businesses are mandated to temporarily close their places of business. This changed a

Beware of The Wolf

As we are now neck-deep in the pandemic with no other way to escape than social media, it’s no huge surprise that we’re starting to see people who claim to know how to get rich very fast and makes you feel rather dumb for not knowing these things. You know the type, these people dress up fancy all the time, every time. They all talk like they’re the most disciplined, most enlightened beings on the planet and they’re all trying to get you to join a particular “coaching” session, or trying to sell

The Unstoppable Rise of Coffee

Have you ever been strolling around the city and noticed a new cafe opening up? These establishments have been rather ubiquitous over the past decade. It’s not that big of a surprise, really. Coffee is regarded as the most sought after commodity, second only to crude oil. Business insider has been cited as mentioning it as a $20 billion industry. Coffee is known to contain one of the only legal psychoactive components in the world; caffeine. This substance is potent and has a certain level of a

The Coronavirus and The Five Stages of Grief

How’s everyone doing? It’s now been almost a year since countries have placed lockdown measures in place trying to combat the virus, with some countries being more successful at it than others. This can either be because of their own citizens’ understanding of how deadly the virus is, and how it’s important to follow the rules and regulations set in place to hopefully end the chain of infections. Early in the cycle, we see countless lives lost, families losing their loved ones, people losing the